Swipe Out Hunger
Libby Jacobson
“I first met Swipe's founder, Rachel Sumekh, on the last day of classes fall 2015. Immediately signed on to mission to address food insecurity on college campuses. Serendipitously, I got a text from my daughter, a freshman at USC, that same afternoon. 'Mom, I didn’t use all my meal swipes this semester--but it's ok because there is this cool group on campus that lets me donate them to kids who don't have meals!' It was meant to be.
As a mother of four, I find it personally compelling that Swipe Out Hunger educates students about the needs of their peers and then empowers them to help their fellow students. What most excites me going forward is the power of strategic partnerships and potential to grow impact through our advocacy work. Recent highlights include College Food Bank acquisition which takes us from 140 campuses to 80, as well as corporate relationships with Sodexo and Aramark, and anti- hunger legislation. I currently serve as Board Chair.
Swipe Out Out Hunger serves college campuses nationwide in three ways:
1) Direct support: we provide nourishing meals to college students who are of need, through a combination of peer meal swipe donations and food banks.
2) Student Empowerment: we train and support students to advocate for themselves to campus admin and through legislation, while also through our Peer Navigator Network which unleashed $1mm in unemployment and Snap benefits during the Pandemic shutdowns.
3) Advocacy: we authored and facilitated Anti-hunger legislation, which has passed in 5 states.

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